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Cranio-Sacral Therapy

The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.

Hippocrates (460-370 BC)

Reiki Treatment

​​Cranio-Sacral Therapy works with the nervous system, which consists of the brain, the spinal cord and the cerebral-spinal fluid which flows around and within the brain and spinal cord. 


Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a gentle yet integrative approach to one's well-being that focuses on and encourages the body to come back into balance and restore harmony within itself. 


Cranio-Sacral Integration recognises our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of ourselves are all interconnected and that true wellness encompasses all these aspects. 


Cranio-Sacral Therapy encourages self healing to activate as the skilled therapist listens and attunes and responds to subtle movements in the system all whilst holding a safe and compassionate space for clients and their experiences. This enables the gentle release of stored emotional and physical trauma and injury and in turn brings alignment to all aspects of the whole person.


​Craniosacral therapy is known for its effectiveness in helping women in pregnancy and for many of the ailments of young babies and children. This gentle treatment can ease backache, improve digestive problems of pregnancy and give the expectant mother much-needed relaxation. Parents commonly bring their babies for craniosacral therapy treatment if they are suffering from colic or other digestive problems, are unsettled or have problems sleeping.


As a Cranio-Sacral Therapist I am currently a member of the CSTA (The Craniosacral Therapy Association) and registered with the CNHC (Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council). By choosing a Cranio-Sacral Therapist registered with the CNHC you can be confident that they are properly trained, qualified and insured.











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Fascial Unwinding

Fascial unwinding is a therapeutic process through which physical and emotional blocks held in the fascia of the body, due to injury, illness, stress or tension, can be released. All traumas, stresses and tensions leave their mark on the body and are held into the body tissues in the form of a restriction or constriction of some kind.


Fascial unwinding provides a means of discovering and releasing the effects of all such traumas and tensions, be they recent or long-standing, and which may be the cause of pain, discomfort or all manner of dysfunctions in the body.


The causes of fascial restriction may stem from many different factors – from everyday sprains, strains, twists and bruises of joints, limbs, trunk or spine to operation scars and adhesions, major road traffic accidents, minor falls, sports injuries or internal inflammation.


Whatever the cause, Fascial Unwinding when used as part of a Cranio-Sacral Integration treatment can help to release deep seated patterns at their root cause.

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